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Academic Grievance Policy

Midland University students may initiate the Academic Grievance procedures in the event that the student believes that an academic policy has not been followed. Academic policies include Academic Program rules and procedures, instructional activities in or out of the classroom, grading procedures, or other activities related to Academic Affairs. Students should also follow these procedures in pursuit of a waiver of a set of academic policies or standards.

This policy does not address issues regarding student employment or sexual harassment. It deals with academic grievances only. A student must have evidence that a specific policy was violated or that they were treated in an arbitrary, prejudicial, or capricious manner. This policy does not limit Midland University’s right to change rules, policies, or practices. The most current policies will be housed in the University Registrar’s Office.

Resolution should be achieved at the lowest level of authority and in the most equitable way possible.

Threshold: The burden of proof rests with the student to show that it was more likely than not that an error was made or that judgment has been exercised in a capricious manner or on an improper basis.

Academic Policy Areas and Related Procedures

Students should utilize the following procedures for these academic areas. Detailed steps are included.


Students should be aware that clear evidence is needed to contest an assignment or final course grade. Belief that a subject or text was too difficult is not grounds for a complaint. Grades are within the province and professional judgment of the faculty. Therefore, such judgments will only be addressed in the event of allegations relating to faculty error or impropriety, such as judgment affected by alleged prejudice or capriciousness. Students must contact the instructor of the course to resolve the Grade Dispute. Timeline: Grade Disputes should be resolved as soon as possible, but no later than 10 business days of the final grades posted online. Faculty will have up to 5 business days to respond.

If the Grade Dispute does not resolve the situation and the student still believes they have a case, the student may file a Grade Appeal with the Dean of the School or College within which the course is found. Students must use the Grade Appeal form made available via the University Registrar’s Office. The form must be completed in its entirety and include documented evidence of contact made with the instructor, the academic work in dispute, and a detailed narrative to support the case that meets the threshold defined in the purpose above. Timeline: Grade Appeals must be made within 5 business days of the faculty member’s final determination of the Grade Dispute. In the event that a faculty member does not meet the timeline to respond to the Grade Dispute, the student may submit the Grade Appeal.

The Dean will make a ruling based on the student’s appeal, supporting evidence, case made on the Grade Appeal form, and after discussing with the faculty member. If, after the Dean’s decision, the student still believes they have a compelling case or elements thereof that have not been fully considered, they may file an Academic Grievance with the Chief Academic Officer. Students must use the Academic Grievance form made available via the University Registrar’s Office. The form must include the Grade Dispute, the Grade Appeal and Dean’s decision/resolution, and a detailed narrative to support the case that meets the threshold detailed above. Timeline: Academic Grievances must be made within 5 business days of the Dean’s final determination of the Grade Appeal. The decision of the Chief Academic Officer will be final.

Academic Integrity Violations

Instances of Academic Integrity Violations, as detailed in the Academic Integrity policy, will be reported to the University Registrar’s Office if a formal sanction is imposed. Students may appeal these sanctions to the Dean of the School or College within which the course is found. Students must use the Academic Honesty Appeal form via the University Registrar’s Office. The form must include the activity/work in dispute and a detailed narrative to support the case that meets the threshold defined in the purpose above. Timeline: Academic Integrity Appeals must be made within 5 business days of receipt of the notification of the violation.

If, after the Dean’s decision, the student still believes they have a compelling case or elements thereof that have not been fully considered, they may file an Academic Grievance with the Chief Academic Officer. Students must use the Academic Grievance form made available via the University Registrar’s Office. The form must include the initial sanction, the Academic Integrity Appeal and resolution, and a detailed narrative to support the case that meets the threshold defined in the purpose above. Timeline: Academic Grievances must be made within 5 business days of the Academic Integrity Appeal resolution. The decision of the Chief Academic Officer will be final.

Academic Status/Progression

Students’ academic progress is measured at the end of each semester. Academic progression is reviewed by the Academic Progress Committee who shall make recommendations to the Chief Academic Officer. Students seeking to appeal these decisions must file the Academic Grievance form via the University Registrar’s Office. The form must include a detailed narrative to support the student’s case as well as evidence of mitigating circumstances. Timeline: Academic Status Appeals must be made within 15 business days of receipt of the notice. The decision of the Chief Academic Officer will be final.


Students seeking Re-Admission to the University after an Academic Suspension, must file a Re-Admission Appeal as part of the re-application process. This process applies to those students that have not been enrolled at Midland University for a semester or more. Students must file the Re-Admission Appeal form via the University Registrar’s Office. The form must include a detailed narrative to support the student’s case as well as evidence of mitigating circumstances. This is in addition to the standard Admissions re-application. The decision of the Chief Academic Officer will be final.

Administrative Withdrawal

Students that receive an Administrative Withdrawal, as detailed in the Withdrawal Policies, may appeal the sanction in writing via the Academic Grievance Form within 1 business day. The decision of the Chief Academic Officer will be final.

Other Academic Policies and Standards

Policies and procedures of Academic Affairs include those of the various schools and colleges, the Academic Resource Center, the University Library, the Career Studio, the University Registrar, and those detailed in the Academic Catalog. The University Registrar has designated informal resolution procedures for various policy overrides such as the Credit Overload and Early Participation in Commencement through forms published online. Students may appeal decisions made via Academic Affairs units via the Academic Grievance form within 5 business days of its receipt.

Records Retention and Communication

All records regarding the Academic Grievance Policy shall be in writing, using Midland University email. Informal resolutions may not be maintained beyond the final outcome rendered. Final copies of Formal Resolution decisions rendered shall be maintained by the University Registrar’s Office per the University’s Records Retention policies. Formal Resolutions of Academic Grievances shall not be communicated to third parties without notification and permission of the parties involved.

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