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Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid

To receive or renew financial assistance from Midland University, students are required to make academic progress toward completion of a degree. As allowed by federal regulation, MU evaluates Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) once each year at the end of spring semester. Students are notified within 30 days after the evaluation is completed if there is a SAP issue.

Academic Year Definition and Information

1) Midland University defines its minimum academic year for all programs as follows:
a. All traditional undergraduate programs= 32 weeks.
b. All graduate degree programs= 32 weeks
2) Midland’s academic year exceeds the 30-week minimum requirement.
3) Undergraduate programs are in a standard semester format that could include modules.
4) Graduate degree programs are all semester-based and may be offered in classes that are semester-long or offered during two eight-week sessions/modules per semester, depending on the program.
5) Payment periods are also by semester.

In order to meet SAP requirements, Federal financial aid recipients must meet the following criteria in addition to any program-specific criteria:
1) Complete at least 67% of the credits attempted each academic year.
2) Maintain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least a 1.80 at the end of the spring enrollment if a first-year student.
3) Maintain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.0 at the end of the spring enrollment as a second-, third- or fourth-year student.
4) Complete a program of study within 150% of the published credits it takes a full-time student to complete a degree (adjusted for less than full-time attendance).

Other Definitions

1) Incomplete courses are counted in both the hours attempted (3, for example) and hours completed (0). The deadline for removal of an incomplete course is listed in the University catalog for each term. Once removed, SAP progress will be recalculated.
2) Academic withdrawals from courses are counted in the hours attempted, with 0 hours completed.
3) A student may receive financial aid only once for repeating a class in which a passing grade has been earned. In this case, GPA will be recalculated based on the later grade.
4) A student may repeat a failed course until it is passed. All hours are counted toward the hours attempted but won’t count as completed until passed. The GPA will be recalculated to replace a failed grade with a passing grade.

Re-Admission and Transfer Students

A student applying for re-admittance to Midland University will be reviewed to determine his or her SAP status based on the coursework previously completed at Midland University. If the standard is not met, a SAP appeal is required and must be approved before federal aid can be offered.

Entering transfer students are considered making SAP at the time of application to Midland. The hours accepted by Midland University are counted as both hours attempted and hours completed in subsequent SAP calculations.

Financial Aid Suspension

Any student who does not meet these standards will be placed on financial aid suspension and will be ineligible for federal financial aid. If extenuating circumstances exist, a student has the right to submit an appeal form, available on the Midland University website on the Forms and Important Links page which can be found under the Admissions menu. Documentation of the circumstances is required. In addition, an academic success plan must be determined and approved by the student’s academic advisor and/or the Registrar’s Office.

Financial Aid Probation

If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on financial aid probation for one semester. While on probation, a student must successfully complete the coursework for that term. The calculation considers hours attempted vs. hours completed, with no duplicates. A student may complete a previously passed course once and may repeat a failed course until it is passed. After that term is completed, the student’s progress, including any academic plan, is reviewed and the SAP status determined.

Notification to Students

Once a completed SAP appeal has been submitted, the Financial Aid Office will notify the student via email regarding the status of the appeal, including the terms of approval or denial.

Aid Implications for Students Not Making SAP and on Financial Aid Probation

If a student is not making SAP according to the school’s policy, Midland may place the student on financial aid probation and may disburse Title IV, HEA program funds to the student for the subsequent payment period if:
1) The student satisfactorily appeals the determination, and
2) The school determines that the student should be able to make satisfactory academic progress during the subsequent payment period and meet the school’s satisfactory academic progress standards at the end of that payment period, or the school develops an academic plan for the student that, if followed, will ensure that the student is able to meet the school’s satisfactory academic progress standards by a specific point in time.

Midland’s policy does not allow a student on financial aid probation for one payment period to receive Title IV, HEA program funds for an additional payment period unless the student again makes SAP or the school determines that the student is meeting the student’s academic plan requirements specified by the school.

Additional information about the various financial aid programs can be found on the Midland University website and in the Financial Aid Guide, which is published yearly. Financial Aid Office staff members are available throughout the year to answer questions and meet with students and families about the various aspects of the financial aid process.

Academic Progress Requirements for Scholarships and Financial Aid

In addition to academic requirements for federal aid, students receiving scholarships and/or state financial aid must also meet certain academic requirements. These requirements are detailed in the Financial Aid Guide that was sent with the student’s Financial Aid Offer.

Veteran and Eligible Person Addendum

Standards of Progress: A veteran and/or eligible person must make satisfactory progress toward an approved educational objective leading to employment. Veteran and/or eligible person Standards of Progress will be determined utilizing the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy as listed in the college catalog consisting of overall grade point average, pace, program length, maximum time for completion, attendance and/or conduct.

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(800) 642-8382


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