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Midland Statement on Academic Integrity

Midland University seeks to provide a learning environment that enhances academic excellence and integrity. As defined by the International Center for Academic Integrity (2013), academic integrity is the commitment to honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and the courage to act on them even in the face of adversity.

Violations of academic integrity are acts whereby a student knowingly and willingly attempts to assist oneself or others in gaining academic success by fraudulent means. As such, students are expected to conduct themselves with the highest standards in regards to academic integrity. Students are responsible for knowing what constitutes violations of academic integrity.

Acts in Violation of Academic Integrity

Cheating: Individual or group activity for the purpose of dishonestly obtaining and/or distributing testable information prior to, during, or after an examination. Examples of dishonest activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Looking at an examination paper or answer sheet of another student.

  • Obtaining, prior to the administration of a test, unauthorized information regarding the test.

  • Possessing or distributing a test prior to its administration, without the express permission of the instructor.

  • Using any unauthorized materials or equipment during an examination, including study guides, or study sites.

  • Cooperating or aiding in any of the above.

Plagiarism: Any attempt to represent the words or ideas of another (whether published or unpublished) as one’s own. Examples of such activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Using the words of a published source in a written exercise without appropriate documentation.

  • Presenting as one’s own original concepts, ideas, and/or arguments of another source.

  • Presenting as one’s own another’s computer programs, scientific research, or artistic creations without properly acknowledging the source of such material.

  • Multiple submissions of one’s own original work (self-plagiarism).

Fabrication: Any attempt to falsify or manufacture data, records, or any information relevant to a student’s participation in any course, academic exercise, or academic records. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Altering grades or other official records.

  • Inventing or changing laboratory data, falsifying research and/or data, or the invention of sources.

  • Changing exam solutions after the fact.

  • Presenting falsified information in order to postpone or avoid examinations, tests, quizzes, or other academic work.

Sabotage: a deliberate action aimed at destruction or obstruction. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Stealing, destroying or altering another’s academic work (such as an artwork, a computer program, a lab experiment or report, a paper).

  • Hiding, mis-shelving, mutilating, or otherwise abusing library materials to keep others from using them.

  • Interference with the Academic Judicial Procedures.

Substitution: Using a proxy, or acting as a proxy, in an academic exercise. Examples of substitution include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Taking an examination for another student.

  • Doing homework assignments for another student.

  • Granting or using another student’s access to the learning management system and/or other academic systems such as email.

Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another person to commit an act of academic dishonesty. Students have an obligation to report known or observed acts of academic dishonesty to the instructor and/or Academic Affairs. Examples of facilitation include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Allowing one’s own work to be submitted as another’s work for a course project.

  • Assisting a fellow student in committing an act of academic dishonesty.

  • Making threats or offers of compensation to others in order that those threatened or coerced will provide unauthorized aid for course projects.

  • Unauthorized acquisition, distribution, and/or possession of stolen test or project materials.

References: International Center for Academic Integrity. (2013). The fundamental values of academic integrity, 2nd edition. Retrieved from

Judicial Procedures in the Event of a Violation of Academic Integrity

While academic integrity is particularly the responsibility of the student, the faculty members also have a responsibility. Assignments and tests should be designed so as to discourage academic dishonesty. Faculty members are expected to inform their students explicitly as to what materials and procedures are authorized for use in the preparation of assignments or in examinations (e.g., the use of calculator, computer, text materials, etc.).

Should violations of academic integrity be found among students, the instructor or academic staff may choose to counsel the student to an equitable conclusion via an Informal Resolution, or in consultation with their respective Dean, may impose a sanction via a Formal Resolution. Instances of academic integrity violations that occur outside the confines of a course should be reported to the University Registrar who will present findings to the student’s Dean for review of any potential sanctions.

Formal Resolutions of Academic Integrity violations shall be sent to the student in writing (email), copying the instructor’s Dean, if applicable, and the University Registrar. Formal sanctions include, but are not limited to:

  1. Tier One: Tier One sanctions may be imposed by a faculty member or academic staff, in consultation with their or the student’s respective Dean.

    1. The requirement of a student to take another examination or redo an assignment.

    2. The lowering or assignment of a failing grade on an examination or assignment,

    3. The assignment of a failing grade in a course.

    4. The requirement to provide restitution.

  2. Tier Two: Tier Two sanctions may be imposed by the student’s respective Dean, in consultation with the Chief Academic Officer.

    1. The addition of a notice of violation to the student’s academic record, but not to the transcript.

    2. The addition of a formal notice to the student’s academic record and the transcript.

    3. Academic probation.

    4. The removal of a student (Administrative Withdrawal) from a course.

  3. Tier Three: Tier Three sanctions may only be imposed by the Chief Academic Officer. These are reserved for the most egregious violations of academic integrity.

    1. Academic suspension.

    2. Administrative dismissal.

    3. The revocation of a degree, major, minor, or certificate.

Withdrawals: The procedures described above still apply if a student who is suspected of violating the Midland University academic integrity policy withdraws from the course at any point.

Appeals: Students dissatisfied with the outcomes of the informal or formal resolutions should utilize the procedures outlined in the Academic Grievance Policy.

Repeat Offenses and Records of Offenses

The University Registrar’s Office shall maintain a record of students who have violated the Midland University academic integrity policy. Students who are reported for violating the policy on Academic Integrity in more than one course will be referred to the Chief Academic Officer for review. Records for students that separate from the University shall be maintained via the University’s Records Retention policies. Formal Resolutions shall not be communicated to third parties without notification to the party involved, as directed by The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99).

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(800) 642-8382


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(402) 941-6226